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Workshop on Trustworthy AI
Project Ultimate is organising a remote workshop on Trustworthy AI on the morning of 2nd of February, 2024. Experts in Hybrid AI, Safety & Trustworthiness

Fifth Newsletter
Trustworthy Hybrid-AI for flexible manipulation and navigation Autonomous navigation of AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) and manipulation of robotic arms are advanced technologies that independently face

Adra-e Birds of a Feather Webinar
Nuria Quintano, from Tecnalia partner will represent the Project Ultimate on the 29th of May. Adra-e is organising Trustworthy AI: Landscaping verifiable robustness and transparency,

Fourth Newsletter
Thales Alenia Space delivers cost-effective solutions for telecommunications, navigation, Earth observation, environmental management, exploration, science and orbital infrastructures. Governments and private industry alike count on Thales Alenia Space to design
Francisco Fraile
AI-Powered Human-Centred Robot Interactions for Smart Manufacturing Francisco Fraile is an associate professor and senior researcher in the fields of digital manufacturing and zero defects
Serge Gratton
Multilevel Physics Informed Methods Serge Gratton is a Professor of Exceptional Class in Applied Mathematics at INP-IRIT. He has published over a hundred articles in
Natalia Díaz Rodríguez
Connecting the dots in trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: From AI principles, ethics, and key requirements to responsible AI systems and regulation Natalia Díaz Rodríguez has a
Stanley Greenstein
Trustworthy AI – a Legal Orientation Stanley Greenstein (Jur. Dr.) is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Law and Information Technology (IT) at the Department
Rafia Inam
The role of Trustworthy AI / Explainable AI in Telecom industry Rafia Inam is a Senior Project Manager at Ericsson Research in Trustworthy AI and